The People's Daily English-language app stands as one of the most prominent news platforms in China. Our mission is to utilize this app to narrate China's story and foster enhanced global communication. Dive into "Read China" right here. We are committed to providing reliable and original policy analyses to help users navigate the ever-evolving landscape of China. Drawing on the expertise of our international team, the English app is a comprehensive, one-stop information hub for international affairs.
App Features
Top News: Stay up-to-date with the latest headlines.
Video: Explore news, exclusive interviews, and engaging features.
BRNN: Gain in-depth knowledge about BRNN.
Re-discover China: Relive historical moments and explore the rich tapestry of Chinese culture.
Services: Access essential information for living, studying, and working in China.
Hello "XiaoIce": Experience the allure of artificial intelligence and its integration into our platform.
How to Use the App
Download and Install: Access the app store on your device, search for "People's Daily English", and download the app.
Create an Account: Register an account to personalize your experience and save articles for later reading.
Explore Content: Navigate through the various sections to find the news and information that interest you most.
Stay Informed: Set up notifications to receive breaking news alerts and updates.
Engage with the Community: Join discussions and share your insights on the articles you read.
The People's Daily English-language app is your gateway to understanding China and connecting with the world.
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