
游饭天堂会员: tsh.x3Argon: Hero of the Federation Protector of the Federation Federation Overwatch Federation Marshall Federation Guardian Trusted Ally Accepted Adviser Confirmed Friend Federation Associate Federation Member Citizen Suspected Foe Known Antagonist Confirmed Insurgent Confirmed Enemy Enemy of the Federation

Boron: Knight of the Kingdom King's Protectorate King's Knight Queen's Protectorate Queen's Knight Queen's Guard Noble Peer Trusted Courtier Accepted Friend Friend Acquaintance Antagonist Confirmed Adversary Enemy of Menelaus Queen's Nemesis Enemy of the Kingdom

Paranid: Honour Guard of Xaar Seeker of the Holy Light Emperor's Protectorate Friend of Emperor Priest Protectorate Friend of Priest King Friend of Priest Duke Priest Confidante Friend of priest Friend Nomad Unholy Nomad Tainted Wanderer Desecrator of Holy Light Enemy of priest Duke Enemy of Priest Xaar

Split: Honoured Strong Arm of Rhonkar Honoured Imperator of Rhonkar Inner Circle of Rhonkar Privileged Associate of Rhonkar Family Protector Distinguished Associate Family Friend Comrade Friend Known Venturer Creature Shameless Creature Family Outcast Family Enemy Enemy of Rhonkar Enemy of all Split Families

Teldia: Company Director Venture Capitalist Venture Profiteer Company Owner Company Manager Majority Shareholder Shareholder Company Trader Company Helper Profit Opportunity Profit Initiator Profit Liability Mercantile Rebel Commercial Anarchist Commercial Enemy Enemy of the Corporation
