Release Date: November 9, 2007 ISO by: RELOADED Release Type: Cheat Game Genre: RTS
Release Notes: 1. Begin the game. 2. While in the game (not on the world map), press RETURN or ENTER to access the console. 3. Use the following codes (case insensitive): icheat: Enable Cheats (required for other cheats to function) idontcheat: Disable Cheats loot: All Resources Increased by 10,000 taxes: Resources Decreased by 100 punish: Selected Unit Damaged by 20 Points convert: Selected Unit Converted to Your Side rechargeme: Selected Unit Recharged to 100% Power win: Win the Scenario togglefog: Toggle Fog of War ON/OFF seamonkeys: Toggle Instant Build eraup: Advance an Epoch Without Meeting Any of the Requirements maxpop: Toggle Max Pop Capacity givetech: Tech Points Increased by 50 playgod: Toggle God Mode supercheat: Coffers Overflowed, Instant Build Enabled, Pop Cap Maxed, and Fog Turned Off cheatcheathor: Cheat Cheathor, ArchRival and Nemesis of Super Cheat! (Effect Unknown) cheatonite: Could This Be the End of Super Cheat?! (Effect Unknown)
Additional Notes: There are plenty of debug codes and also hotkey debug codes, which add absolutely nothing of any value to this great game. We have chosen not to include them as they are not actually cheats but just debug codes used by testers/developers.