


Upon the game's start, eliminate the guard to escape from the prison. Remember to pick up the guard's handgun, your sole initial ranged weapon. Exiting the prison, ascend the stairs to the electrocution chamber, where a doctor has just killed your companion. Take out the doctor and exit through the door to the right. Spot a communications room shortly after, guarded by soldiers. Open the door by pressing the button beside it, acquire a weapon from the wallmounted rack, and eliminate the enemies. Proceed forward, ascend the stairs, and traverse the corridor to the castle's other side, taking out the guard at the circular staircase. Beware the alarm, but continue up the circular staircase to the top. Kill the guards at the top and wait for pursuing forces to arrive. Eliminate them, then jump down from a boardedover area on the rooftop. After landing, kill the enemy opposite the window, replenish ammunition and health, and take the telescope from the table. Leap out the window, proceed to the recently killed soldier, take the rifle, turn right, and open the door. Avoid the intense floorlevel shooting and eliminate the enemies within. Jump down through the floor's hole into a room with armor statues. Enter the righthand door, pull the switch on the left wall, and the hidden door behind you will open. Enter the opposite door and kill the enemies inside. Destroy the portrait of Hitler on the wall to find items behind it. Exit through the right door, proceed straight, make a right turn, and press the lefthand marker on the right wall to open a stone door, inside of which you'll find a golden cup. Continue forward to reach the level exit.



Enter the righthand door and kill the officer inside. Discover a switch on the wall with a portrait, flip it, and leave. Descend the stairs, kill the enemies below and on the bridge, and cross beneath it. Ascend the circular staircase and proceed outside. The right door is locked, so continue forward. At the square, take the lower door. After reaching the bridge above, kill the officer and shut off the alarm, entering the control room to lower the guillotine switch. Return to the square, enter the upper door, and proceed to the right. Kill the enemies below the stairs and descend to the hall, eliminating the enemies there. From the left, descend to kill a large number of enemies. Do not leave through the right stairs but proceed inside to the farthest room, where you'll find a gasoline barrel. Blow it up to destroy the wall and enter the armory. Return and ascend the right stairs to reach the platform above the hall. Exit through the left door, eliminate the enemies with the heavy machine gun, and retreat to the soldiers' dormitories to restock. Return to the square, pass through the open door, and proceed to the exit.


Exit and kill the guards, enter the left door, find the switch below, and board the cable car. Wait for the cable car to arrive, kill the enemies inside, and press the switch outside to start it. At the middle station, kill the guards, climb up the ladder, and then down the middle ladder to pull the switch, opening the entrance below. Eliminate the enemies below and open the switch inside. Ride the cable car down and kill all guards at the bottom station. Restock equipment and proceed to the second floor of the machine room. Jump to the opposite side of the iron frame and kick open the ventilation grille. Enter through the ventilation shaft, kill all enemies, and exit through the left door to reach the right front room and complete the mission.



Escape with the spy to his home, where he opens a secret door for you. Do not kill the girl in the righthand room; doing so results in GAME OVER. After exiting the secret room, descend to the wine cellar, kill the enemy, and return to the room. Eliminate the guards in the room, but spare the girl. Enter the righthand door of the courtyard and ascend the stairs to the room with the machine gun. Eliminate the guards and use the machine gun to kill the approaching enemies. Return the same way, pass through the righthand path, and kill the guard on the watchtower and the enemies ahead. Follow the person calling you into the house to acquire equipment and armor. Continue walking and climb down the ladder on the bridge to the other side. After crossing, be cautious of the enemy with a rifle in the window. In the middle of the corridor, take the lefthand path, kill the courtyard enemies, and enter the door opposite the courtyard. Eliminate the three enemies inside, then exit through the front door. After leaving, kill the enemies in the graveyard, find some timed bombs behind the house, and use them to blow up the stone house's gate. Enter the cave.


Enter the underground catacombs and move forward. After hearing the battle between German soldiers and zombies, jump down after the collapse of the stone column blocks the path behind you. Wait for the enemies to eliminate the zombies, then kill the German soldiers below before jumping down. Restock with equipment and continue forward. You'll encounter zombie warriors; eliminate them and proceed to the lefthand path when you reach a dead end. Climb down the broken bridge, destroy the opposite wall, and pull the switch on the left wall. Jump back to the broken bridge and pull the switch on the opposite side. Jump down through the gap in the bridge, exit through the passage, and kill all zombies. Pull the switch beside the main door, and proceed up the circular staircase. When you reach the top, the door will open. Proceed forward and eliminate the zombies. After killing the zombies, pull the switch beside the main door. Proceed to the circular staircase and ascend. The door opposite the previous one will now be open. As you rush forward, the ground will collapse; eliminate the zombies below, then proceed to the main gate. After killing the zombies, enter the room, kill the German soldiers, and destroy the cracked wall on the left to access the upper level. Proceed through the lefthand passage, kill the zombies, and return to the broken bridge. Proceed straight; there will be another hall with a blocked passage. Eliminate the zombies and a firebreathing zombie king will appear in the middle of the fire pit. If you have a timed bomb from the previous level, throw it at the zombie king's feet as he rises from the fire. After the explosion, kill the next zombie and find a switch in the dark niche behind it. Pull the switch to open the passage behind the fire pit and exit through the passage to complete the mission.


Upon exiting, you'll see German soldiers fighting zombies. Wait until one side is eliminated before intervening. Proceed forward, kill the zombies, and see German soldiers fighting in the channel. Intervene immediately, throw a grenade in the middle of the enemies, and kill the remaining enemies with a rifle and grenades. Proceed to the nearest wall and press the squareshaped marker. After pulling the switch, three zombies will appear; kill them. In front of the square marker, break the upper half of the stone monument, which will create a large hole in the ground. Jump in and find a secret room with a coffin; pull the switch behind it to open the exit. Exit and find the righthand door open. Enter the righthand passage, descend the stairs, and enter a large hall. Proceed forward and eliminate the zombies. The zombies will appear from the front door; kill them and enter the room. A zombie warrior will appear; kill it and proceed to the massive stone column. There are three holes with switches on the left, right, and front. Enter the left hole first, avoid the trapdoor, and pull the switch. Walk out slowly after pulling the switch. Enter the right hole and jump over the trapdoor. Do not pull the switch yet, as there are still dangers. Prepare yourself and run back quickly after pulling the switch. Enter the last hole and move slowly to avoid the trapdoor. Trigger the mechanism and look for the pattern, then charge through after pulling the switch and returning in the same manner. Upon exiting, the column will completely lower. Wait for it to rise, and walk across the wooden planks that connect to the column. There is a switch in front; pull it to open the door opposite. Enter the room and find a silver cup on the table. Do not jump on the table to pick it up; take it and retreat immediately. As you do so, the mechanism is activated, and powerful zombie warriors will appear. Attract the fire from the burning zombie warriors and kill them by circling around. When they are killed, the entire hall will shake. When the shaking stops, a large crack will appear in the ground; jump into the widest part of the crack to proceed to the front door and complete the mission.


Proceed and you will hear enemy voices. Use grenades to eliminate at least two enemies and kill the remaining ones. Open the door ahead and ascend the righthand stairs to kill the two female soldiers and pull the switch beside the iron gate. Wait for the gate to open and proceed through. Enter the upper chamber, kill the soldiers, and proceed to the righthand passage. Be cautious of the women throwing grenades in front and above. Proceed to the circular staircase, descend, open the lefthand gate, and proceed through to the lefthand door. Be careful with the soldiers lurking inside. In the farthest room, you will find a door with wooden planks; use grenades to blow it open and complete the mission.


The German woman has summoned a giant monster, but she has been killed by it. Your task is to deal with the aftermath...



Proceed forward, kill the enemies in front of the cabin, and eliminate the enemies on the lake shore. Enter the cabin to eliminate the remaining enemies. Avoid triggering the alarm; the enemies will quickly press it upon noticing you. After eliminating the enemies, cross the lake to find weapons under the parachute. Proceed to the opposite road of the cabin and you will see another cabin with a watchtower. Eliminate the soldiers around the cabin and the guard in the watchtower. Proceed along the mountain wall behind the cabin to the tunnel entrance. Go around the lefthand watchtower and cross the river. After crossing the bridge, you will see a guard post with a heavy machine gun. Eliminate the enemies, and then proceed to the other side of the bridge. After climbing the watchtower, proceed to the tunnel and eliminate the enemies. Cross the tunnel and eliminate the enemies. Return to the machine gun, eliminate the enemies, and proceed to the righthand base. Use the scope to spot the enemy outside the base and the officer in the little house above the gate. Eliminate them with the sniper rifle. Go around the left side of the base, enter through the open window, and take the sniper rifle on the table. Eliminate the officer in the room. From the window, kill the enemy behind the cargo boxes without attracting the attention of the guard in the tunnel entrance. The mission is completed without killing the last guard.


Exit the car and eliminate the enemies in the area. Proceed to the platform and go to the right to find an elevator. Descend and eliminate the enemies below. Proceed through the tunnel and eliminate the enemies. In the control room, eliminate the operator and wait for the elevator to arrive. Eliminate the soldiers inside the elevator, then climb up the righthand ladder and proceed to the emergency switch. Press the switch to destroy the launch tube and cancel the launch. The explosion will damage the elevator, so you must pass through the other broken door. Proceed through the tunnel, eliminate the enemies, and find a small armory. Proceed through the iron bridge quickly, as it will break soon. After returning to the original location, you will encounter more enemies. Eliminate them and enter the control room to open the switch. Proceed to the iron bridge, eliminate the enemies, and enter the elevator. After ascending, you will hear the countdown for the launch. Eliminate the enemies, climb up the ladder to the right, and proceed to the emergency switch. Press the switch to destroy the launch tube and cancel the launch. Proceed through the tunnel, eliminate the enemies, and find the small armory. Eliminate the enemies on the iron bridge and proceed to the control room. Enter the control room and open the switches on the left and right sides. Proceed to the main control room and eliminate the enemies. Press the switch to open the door to the aircraft, enter, and complete the mission.


Exit the ventilation shaft and kill the enemies below. Cross the bridge and occupy the position with the heavy machine gun on the second floor of the house across the bridge. Eliminate the enemies and proceed through the tunnel. At the tunnel exit, there are enemies above and more ahead. Proceed to the next heavy machine gun, eliminate the nearby enemies, and occupy it to eliminate the enemies ahead. Proceed to the end of the tunnel and ascend the stairs. Enter the lefthand door first, then proceed to the armory and find three timed bombs. Go up the stairs and exit through the last door to reach the radar control room outside. Place the bombs under the radar and eliminate the radar. Enemies will appear in the adjacent room; kill them and enter the room. Descend the ladder and find a control valve. Open it to cause an explosion in the adjacent room. Proceed through the door to complete the mission.


Exit the ventilation shaft and kill the airport guards. Eliminate the snipers on the righthand tower first. Use the sniper rifle to clear the enemies on the runway. A car with enemies will arrive soon; kill them when they jump out. Exit through the ventilation shaft under the righthand tower and kill the enemies inside the storage. There are four storage buildings at the airport, three of which can be entered. After eliminating the enemies, proceed to the righthand passage and open the gate using the control room switch. Eliminate the enemies and proceed to the front gate. A grenade thrower will appear; eliminate him, then a high platform with a sniper will appear. Be cautious; avoid direct fire and eliminate the sniper and the paratroopers from the platform. Proceed to the highest level and open the door. Rotate the control switch and return to the ground floor. Enter the control rooms on the left and pull the switches. Proceed to the front door, which will now be open. Be cautious of the enemies on the way up. Enter the main control room and press the switch to open the door to the aircraft. Enter and complete the mission.



This mission requires assisting the tank. Proceed along the road, eliminate the enemies at the first bend, and find the path to the upper floor. Eliminate the enemies in the building and exit through the other side. The snipers on the highrise building will be eliminated by the tank. Continue forward to the tank and clear the enemies ahead. Enter the righthand roadblock and proceed to the lefthand side. Eliminate the enemies with the machine gun and enter the lefthand building. You can jump down from the floor hole or enter through the window. Proceed through the building and enter the other side of the courtyard, eliminate the flame thrower on the right, and use the flamethrower to eliminate the surrounding enemies. Return to the original path and proceed to the tank. Eliminate the grenade thrower ahead. After killing the grenade throwers, the tank will blow open the door ahead. Explore the other building, find supplies, and return to the exploded door. Enter the building, eliminate the enemies, and enter the destroyed area. Jump up to the broken second floor, find some ammunition, and jump back to the ground. Find the drain pipe entrance and descend to complete the mission.


Climb the ladder and proceed forward and to the right. Be cautious of the many guards and heavy machine gun. Pass through the ruins and eliminate the nearby enemies. Avoid the narrow alley and enter the broken house next to it. Find the drain pipe entrance and descend. Eliminate the soldiers and restock. Proceed to the train and eliminate the enemies. Climb the ladder on the left side of the train, take the weapon, and jump to the train carriage. Find some ammunition and supplies and exit. Proceed to the last warehouse and enter. Eliminate the enemies and enter the opposite door. The door to the righthand channel is locked, so enter the front door. Find two buttons in the control room and press them. Exit and enter the door on the right side. Proceed up the stairs and find a bulletproof vest. Return to the ground floor and the locked door will open. Enter and eliminate the enemies. Proceed to the lefthand channel and proceed up the stairs. Find a control switch and open the cover plate to open the door. Return to the middle of the iron frame and find a cable car. If you did not kill the enemies in the control room, the cable car will move to the front of the control room. Jump on it to find some equipment. Return to the ground floor and enter the elevator to complete the mission.


Proceed to the right and enter through the door, being cautious of the many enemies. Eliminate the enemies and descend through the ladder on the opposite roof. Eliminate the enemies below and restock. Proceed to the train on the left side and eliminate the enemies. Climb the ladder and enter the carriage. Find some ammunition and supplies and exit. Proceed to the last warehouse and enter through the door. Eliminate the enemies and enter the opposite door. The door to the righthand channel is locked, so enter the front door. Find two buttons in the control room and press them. Exit and enter the door on the right side. Proceed up the stairs and find a bulletproof vest. Return to the ground floor and the locked door will open. Enter and eliminate the enemies. Proceed to the lefthand channel and proceed up the stairs. Find a control switch and open the cover plate to open the door. Return to the middle of the iron frame and find a cable car. If you did not kill the enemies in the control room, the cable car will move to the front of the control room. Jump on it to find some equipment. Return to the ground floor and enter the elevator to complete the mission.


Descend the elevator and proceed straight. Descend the stairs and enter the hall. Jump to the second floor and eliminate the enemies. Proceed to the right
