- 010011110100110101000111 (OMG) Shoots an AoE electrical shock; similar to a rocket launcher[Eridian 101100 Cannon]:射出一个AOE闪电冲击,类似于火箭发射器[艾里迪安101100加农炮]。
- 12 bullets invade your skull While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. (Repeater Pistols):开镜后一次打光弹夹(半自动手枪)。
- 2 More Bullets Makes All The Difference Fires 5 round burst instead of standard 3 round burst [Combat Rifles]:5连射模式,而非一般的3连射[突击步枪]。
- Ahhh...Fresh Meat Converts a portion of damage into health:将一部分伤害转化为生命值。
- A beast of many forms Fire, Lightning, and Poison. Bullets alternate between the 3 elemental damage types on every shot. [Revolvers]:一种多形态的怪物——火、电、毒。每一发子弹都会造成不同类型的元素伤害[左轮手枪]。
- A Gift from Papa Krom Fires a threeshot burst when aiming. [Repeater Pistols]:瞄准时采用3连射模式[半自动手枪]。
- A hunter lives among the stars... Chance to do Random Shock Damage in vicinity of user when fired. [Sniper Rifles]:一次射击3颗电属性的子弹,碰到障碍物将会反弹一次,反弹后接触敌人将触发电伤害[狙击步枪]。
- Aim for the Sniper Better accuracy while scoped. [Shotguns]:开镜后提高精度[霰弹枪]。
- A Lead Wind Blows... Fires two bullets per one ammo [SMGs]:开火时每次打出两颗子弹[冲锋枪]。
- Ammo is no longer an issue. Regenerates Ammo [Repeater Pistols]:弹药恢复[半自动手枪]。
- A watchful eye :附带高倍瞄准镜(突击步枪)。
- BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM! While scoped, a five round burst. [Sniper Rifles]:开镜后一次五发[狙击步枪]。
- Be Careful Not to Drop It... Might Lose A Toe +100% Melee Damage. [Repeater Pistols]:+100%肉搏伤害[半自动手枪]。
- Beware The Horde Once fired, one rocket becomes several. The longer the rockets travel, the more they split, which can lead to 20+ rockets for a single shot! [Rocket Launchers]:(Sort of like a MIRV warhead.)开火后火箭开始分裂,飞得越远分裂得越多,一发能变成20+[火箭发射器]。
- Beyond Groovy Fires rockets instead of regular ammo ([Shotgun] Obtained from killing Flynt):打出的是火箭而非常规弹药[霰弹枪]。
- Big Tony says "Hi" Massive magazine size. [Repeater Pistols]:超大弹夹[半自动手枪]。
- Bring Out Your Dead High Corrosion Chance. [Shotguns]:(Reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail)高腐蚀几率[霰弹枪]。
- Bring The HEAT! Incendiary Rounds [Revolvers/Repeater Pistols]:燃烧弹[左轮/半自动手枪]。
- Careful... you might put someones eye out未知。
- Cross Their Heart, Hope They Die Spread follows a crossshaped pattern. [Shotguns]:弹丸排列成十字[霰弹枪]。
- Death Rains from Above 产生空中爆炸燃烧效果,射程短[火箭发射器]。
- Dont Drop It... Might Lose A Toe +100% melee damage, found on The Clipper +100%肉搏伤害[Clipper半自动手枪]。
- Double Whammy! Shoots 2 bullets (per shot) at a 200% Burst Fire (Revolvers, Repeater Pistols):两连射每次射出两颗子弹(?)[左轮,半自动手枪]。
- Dragon Fire!有机会使敌人3倍燃烧伤害。
- Drop the Hammer Chance to cause massive damage, Pellet spread on wall is in shape of hammer. [Shotguns]:几率造成爆炸伤害X[霰弹枪]。
- Fast Hands Super fast reload高速装填。
- Feel the Sting Fires 2 bullets with each shot. (Repeater Pistols):每次射出两枚子弹[半自动手枪]。
- Five Heads of Death Each shot fires five tightlygrouped bursts, spaced out along a horizontal path. (Example) [Shotguns]:每次