Blast through a vibrant, neon-drenched landscape in this captivating, story-driven racing adventure. DATA WINGs tirelessly deliver critical data throughout the computer system, unwaveringly following Mother's directives. Yet, when the system faces an attack, and Mother's rationale is compromised, action is imperative!
Game Features
Intuitive Two-Touch Controls: Experience the thrill of arcade-style racing with intuitive two-touch controls, designed for seamless gameplay.
Wall-Thrusting Focus: Master the art of sleek racing as you harness the power of wall-thrusting, adding a dynamic new dimension to the racing experience.
In-Depth Story: Immerse yourself in an over two-hour story, spanning over 40 levels, where every corner you turn presents a new challenge.
Competitive Crown System: Rise to the top of the leaderboards and claim ownership of your courses with a competitive crown system.
World-Class Soundtrack: Immerse yourself in an amazing soundtrack from esteemed producers, including tracks from luxury elite, 18 Carat Affair, ESPRIT 空想, t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者, Eyeliner, and NxxxxxS.
Game Highlights
DATA WING is the passion-project of Dan Vogt, a 15-year industry veteran. The game has been meticulously crafted with attention to detail, resulting in a truly unique experience.
Enhanced Save Functionality: We have resolved an issue that caused save files to lose data in European cultures.
Accessible Levels: We have also addressed issues with levels being inaccessible in the level select, ensuring a seamless experience.
Modern Unity Version: DATA WING has been migrated to a modern version of Unity, and we encourage players to report any visual or audio anomalies they may encounter.
We hope you enjoy these updates! While Mother remains indifferent to the chaos, we are committed to providing an unparalleled gaming experience.
Embark on a thrilling journey through DATA WING's neon-soaked world, where speed, strategy, and style converge in an unforgettable adventure.
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